The twins are days from 4 months old and every day they become more beautiful, more individual, and more WORK! They are the loves of my life and I treasure every minute, every smile, every milestone, as little as the milestones may be. I've never been happier to wake in the middle of the night or clean poop. I am now a mother and nothing feels more important.
This blog is a log of the past 6 years, and the struggle and sacrifice I made to bring them into this word. I call them my "two in a billion" babies, because their story is so completely unique. I suppose everyone's babies are one in a million, but I feel especially strong that these babies took going to the ends of the earth for. And it was so worth it. But we're going to close this chapter, simply because this story was about having a family, and now we have one. Maybe we'll start a new blog, a happier, more upbeat blog of first tastes and steps and words. Maybe we'll get a video of them talkng to each other and it will go viral. Who knows, but this blog will now be turned into a book and kept on a shelf for much much later...when the twins are about to start their own families. And it might only be then that they fully understand just how special they are. Until then I expect what I fear most, to one day hear, "you're not my real mother!" Oh it's par for the course, don't worry, we'll weather that storm! Until then we'll enjoy all the joys and tears, frustration and tantrums, messes and spills, and everything else raising twins will bring.
If and when I start a new blog, you'll be the first to know. Until then, thanks for being such great support during the hardest, yet best years of my life. I wouldn't trade the outcome for the world.
7 hours ago
I'm so happy that your story has a happy ending! If you do decide to create a family blog, please let me know, I would love to see how the 5 of you are doing! (And who knows, maybe I could offer twin advice???) :D
So happy for you. By the way....I'm 15 weeks pregnant with a frozen embie created in the same batch as our surrogate cycle! Maybe your story doesn't end here either?!
I truly love the way you put things/words together.You never know how much you've helped me cope what I've been through as well.I am so happy to see your beautiful babies today and wish you blessings everyday. As you end this blog, know that you've blessed so many people/friends that has read this beautiful story of yours. Keep us posted!
Happy endings are usually only in the movies, but this time, with the wonderful outcome, you have conquered all your dragons and come out smiling. We are all smiling with you and enjoying the results of all those years of wanting and wishing. Dreams really do come true, if you never give up.
Lisa, I am late in my congratulations... but I am so happy to see that there is a happy ending! your bubs are beautiful! (and I'm partial to the name Elliot, but with 2 Ts) Enjoy this time, and when they are bigger I hope you will start blogging again about Toddlerhood. So many stories there!
Hi Lisa
Maybe you remember me...your friend from Vancouver Island :D
I think about you here and there and finally tracked down your blog again. I am well over a year late with congratulations but I am so happy you got your babIES!!! What a dream come true for you and Chris. So cool! there's a little happy door closing knowing you fulfilled your wish to be parents. I was always so amazed at your dedication. Knowing how hard the whole journey can be...
xo and enjoy your sweet little babes!
Krysta (Ronansmom)
Miss you on are the babies doing? God Bless, Zsazsa
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