But I must explain myself. First of all, how adorable is Nickole! I mean you cannot get more gorgeous than that, and no wonder she gets compliments all the time. Not only is she cute as a church mouse, but she is doing this incredibly amazing thing and one can't deny it must be a wonderful feeling to tell people what she is doing for a couple who simply had no other way. I adore the pants off of her (even though I think she might have outgrown most of her pants). Chris and I stared at her picture for a long time...going "wow - she's carrying our little babies! Look!! They are right in there!!" I said, they are coming from there (point to belly on screen) to US (point to both of us). He said jokingly, "they are coming to YOU." He does this all the time, pretends that he's just along for the ride, but I know he will make the most AMAZING father...I have always known this, and he will embrace it just as much as I will... he is just toying with me. Lol it is funny to hear him act all calm and confident like "piece of cake" when I know he is quietly dealing with the on-set of his new reality. Nothing like jumping right in which is no doubt his approach.
The reason for my (no excuses) absence, is "Renovation Heaven" read Renovation Hell. It is finally coming together though and I can almost taste the end. By next weekend I think we'll be relaxing on the new sectional. This will become Chris's permanent man cave and no doubt I will not see him in the bed for a couple of months. Let's call it a long cool slumber before the chaos hits.
So today we are 25 weeks on the nose...according to my handy dandy ticker, and in two weeks we'll be joining Nickole for another u/s. By the way, SHE KNOWS! She knows the sexes of the babies because she's been there done that and caught a few tell tale glimpses of the u/s. All I see, other than beautiful heads and spines and toes, is blobs, and I have no idea what means what... but this is a "perk" of being a surrogate and she can bask in the glow of knowing...
We're so grateful to have met our Nickole.
8 hours ago
Hi, I haven't heard from you in a while. I hope all is going with with you, Nikole and the twins!
Your penis sizegenetics is made up chambers, ligaments, muscles, and blood flow. All these things must be naturally increased with the intention to get effective male enhancement. Please read what I just said carefully: ALL THESE THINGS must be naturally increased! Not one simple thing. And this instantly rules out using sizegenetics, sizegenetics tools, and going set for surgery! Inside this device . because those methods are unnatural, ineffective, and frightened cases, extremely dangerous.Your penis responds the same way your sizegenetics responds whenever you hope to get bigger muscles: Through consistent, natural, and effective exercise routines, you gain bigger and stronger muscles, along with same goes for getting a bigger penis... plus gaining other benefits!
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