Lupron and just a dash of Estrogen = good times. My head is slammin' and I don't mean slammin' in the Rob and Amber kinda way... More like my head being slammed in the door kinda way.
8 more sleeps.
The search for a baby...in the most unconventional way...
Sorry to hear you are having such bad reactions,but there's a good cause and you will be through this soon. Just don't take anything like Advil or Tylenol, it might just make it worse. Oh I just gave myself away didn't I. Love Mummy
haha - you're hilarious...I am not allowed to take Advil but I'm popping Tylenol like Chicklets.
wish I could ship some Solphadeine over to you - that would sure work - luv ya - from a solphadeine junkie!
You guys are a dead giveaway - why don't you just put your name down!!!! hahaha - Solphadine...hmmmm...wonder who that could be?
ps = JULIET Solphadeine makes me nauseated...so I should ship back the truckload I have here...or keep it for when you come visit the twins...you'll need it then.
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