Well today is a crampy day – they didn’t really stop before going to bed last night and since waking up they’ve become stronger, but not sharp – a dull achiness, kinda like period cramps. Went grocery shopping with Chris today (miracles never cease) and thought having him there would be helpful. ..but noooo, he has to play “evade Lisa with the shopping cart.” So I would catch a glimpse of him at the very end of an aisle, only for him to quickly disappear. Thought he was soooo funny – showing up miles away, but only for a moment so I could catch a sliver of his face...then he’d slip away. Meanwhile my arms are full of groceries, my back feels pinched and all I want to do is sit down. He wasn’t even visible long enough for me to give him a death glare.
But in all fairness he was helpful in the end...went to work at the checkout and loaded the car and told me to go and lie down while he put away the groceries. Even wiped down the fridge...shocker! We like him today and will not nag him again. Today I said.
Yeah, so back to the cramps...I, of course, have become completely and utterly obsessed with Googling “4 days post transfer cramps” and although it appears to be a very good sign, progesterone is what a body will NATURALLY start producing when its pregnant and this is what causes the uterus to expand/contract...so really...who the hell knows since I’m manually pumping in 2 CC’s of the stuff! Speaking of my ass looks like Princess Leia with two huge lumps on either side...and it doesn’t feel so nice either. One more innocent smack of the ass from Chris and he’ll be very very sorry...I have warned him twice now. I guess its automatic.
8 hours ago
lah lah lah pupa pupa pupa lah lah lah pupa pupa pupa
im gonna poas for you, yes i am.
no waaay.. you were running away from me the entire time >.o
i so can't wait for you to test!! PUPO is right!!
waiting waiting waiting patiently here for you :)
Thinking of you!! Only about a week until you test, right? I can't take it!!!
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