Hello again,
So we have made it past the half way marker and all is well. My current size is about the size I was at 7, maybe 7.5 months with my middle child (respectively about 136lbs) so... all and all not too bad considering there are two perfect looking buns in the oven...
BTW did I mention that today is our 20 week marker?!
The babies are very active... Bmac likes to have wild mac daddy partys before bed and Amac is super happy in the morning, so only one side of me is normally bouncing around at a time. ...and dare I say it, both enjoy classic rock so car rides with loud music are always fun.
I am enjoying the warm weather thank goodness it's about time...all the cold and rain was starting to get me down.
We are looking forward to the summer fun...beach, camping, ice cream... okay okay the camping this year may be a bit of a challenge but who doesn't love an adventure and my children are at that perfect age to do camping things, without all the baggage that comes with infant children.
I am getting a lot of strangers asking me when I am due... when I tell them end of Oct, the look on their faces...... well as the say on TV, priceless, maybe I should start taking pics.
I have gotten a ton of support from everyone around me... friends, neighbors, my daughter's school etc.... Just today my friend next door stood petting me like a Buddha and like a smack it hit her and she said, "I will never see the babies in your belly, that's going to feel a bit strange." I was a little surprised that this is the first time it dawned on her.
My children think it is cool that the babies can hear them now so they are always talking to them... It's kinda funny to hear them say, "goodnight Lisa's babies
sleep tight and no fighting!" lol, or "excuse me babies I am going to snuggle with my mommy now okay...because she's MY mommy."
Each day even if I am in leg cramp hell or too tired to move one more inch, I take a moment to think about what a gift my children are to my family and I am so happy that I can help give that gift to Lisa and Chris.
Please excuse the pics they are not that great but they will do in a pinch.
Take care everyone.
Oh my goodness Nickole, please let me (Granny) be the first one to thank you for your post and your generous spirit and your upbeat attitude. Those bundles of joy are in a safe place with lovely people surrounding them each day that passes. Your touching words about the children talking to them, brought a tear to my eye. Thank you from all of us, and here's to a fantastic summer. Take good care of yourself and keep writing, it's lovely to hear your thoughts and read your unique take on this wonderful journey.
ReplyDelete"You" are truly a gift from God.
ReplyDeleteA&B Macs Grandma and Poppa!
"You" are truly our gift from God. Stay well!
ReplyDeleteA&B's Grandma and Poppa!
what a great post from you Nickole. You look wonderful. I'm glad all is going well and I hope it continues that way. Your kids are too cute, talking to Lisa's babies. Please keep writing whenever you feel up to it. We love reading about your thoughts, experiences and feelings.
You are amazing, the kids are too cute:) I love them a whole bunch! I glad that everything is working out and that you are enjoying being pregos up to date:) Love you