Hello Again,
So according to Today's parent web site... The week by week guide that I signed up for to keep track of things, I am past the 10th week and in to the 11th week so it does not surprise me that today the babies started to have movements that I can feel. Seems a little more real now... I was so excited that I had to text Lisa and get her out of bed at stupid o-clock in the morning.
This is the info the web site gives me for week during week 11.
Stages Development Guide
Your pregnancy: Week 11
your baby
• Your baby is about the size of a small lime now. He weighs about 8g (0.3 oz) and he's about 44 to 66 mm (1.8 to 2.4 in) long, from the crown of his head to his buttocks. But not for long. He's entering a period of rapid growth. Over the next three weeks, he will double in length!
• Your baby has become quite an active little guy, kicking and swallowing away inside your womb.
• His fingernails have formed and his external genitals are beginning to develop now. In three weeks, your baby's development into a boy or girl will be complete.
Woweeeeee that's so exciting to have tiny little people moving around! Thank you again from everyone, for what you are doing for Lisa and Chris. It is a priceless gift, and you are our shining star. Looking forward to giving you a hug in the summer when I visit.
ReplyDeleteAt 10 weeks already! cant wait until you cant find your feet! lol! love you lots and am very proud of you for doing something SO amazing for someone else! you are the best!