Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If you've just logged on and you're reading this post, at this moment, perched atop the edge of your seat, biting your nails with anticipation, waiting for those fateful words we all want to hear…you might as well get up and go make a cup of tea or something, because apparently I’m not even close. My instructions are to “come back in a week”. Talk about deflating. I even have a terrible headache and cramps which USUALLY MEANS AF is near, but apparently the universe is not finished kicking my ass just yet…

Fine – bring it. Like I give a rat's ass at this point.

So off you all go – go and enjoy your fertile and happy lives, but report back here in one week…and don’t be late.

ps I realize my post is curt…but I am full of bile today. It can’t be helped.

pps WAIT – it’s possible I might write another post in the interim…so make sure to check in…then come back in a week too.

ppps I would REALLY like more comments on my blog…every other blog I go to has “13 responses!” Just sayin’.

Rant over.


  1. I'll be sure to check back in on you!

  2. Hanging in there with you. Always ready to lend an ear...

  3. I'm checking almost daily!

  4. All you had to do was ask and I'll prove I'm still reading. NOTHING about IVF every goes to the plans we make in our heads. Even when we think we are so "IVF experienced" and totally know any possible schedule with our eyes shut and our clothes on inside out, apparently we are wrong and there is a whole new issue biting our bottoms to test our patience. Pretend you are in the line at Disneyland...the waiting sucks, but the ride is ALWAYS worth it!

  5. well, you know im still here. so, what im hearing is that af still hasnt shown and youll see the clinic again in a week. will things proceed as soon as your period starts or will you have to wait a cycle??

    love you. pissed for you. wish i could help.

  6. Ask and you shall receive! Thanks for the comments ladies! Anonymous P I know who you are...and you are a good friend, my friend.

    Leslie - yes, as soon as I get my period we can go. But just in case S is going in tomorrow to be monitored...just to make sure she's still where she should be. It just pushes everything back a week - I wish the clinic hadn't told me I'd get my period in 3-5 days - I don't particularly like it when they are wrong...they should know. Oh well, gotta go with the flow.

    Love you girls,

  7. Don't have anything earth shattering to leave you with but I am thinking of you and have all of my fingers (and toes) crossed that things go well.

    You're doing great and I am so proud of you!


  8. Best way to get something out of your system is to have a good rant. You did, and bet it helped. Actually there's nothing much more that could go wrong, so things should be looking up - no? Any time you need to vent, we are here to listen and send soothing messages. Deep breath - ahhhhh, that's better .....
