Thursday, January 21, 2010

Analogy of an Egg Donation: Cake

As you can imagine, my mind is spinning out of control these days. I think about a baby, I think about twins. I think about happy baby showers where I get to be the guest of honor. I think about pregnancy tests and getting fat and maternity clothes and butterfly mobiles. I think about Chris and what a great dad he’ll be. I think about lawyers and stimulation drugs and when I will get my damn period. My head is constantly swirling with thoughts, about how this baby will turn out, and if it will be at all like me.

Then I started to think about cake…

A cook book will have a recipe for Cake. It will list, with specific measurement, the ingredients to be used, and give clear instructions on how to prepare it. The pan will be greased, the oven will be set, the ingredients mixed…but will the cake turn out the same every single time? If 50 women from around the world all baked this cake, would it taste the same?

Of course it wouldn’t…

An extra pinch of salt, the varying degrees of each oven…eggs produced by chickens who feed from different grain… Yes, the ingredients are all the same. There is flour, and milk and eggs and all the things necessary to make the batter rise, but there’s something about each individual cake that set’s it apart from the rest, and it boils down to one simple difference. The baker.


  1. I couldn't agree more, there are so many variables in life, otherwise it would be far too easy, and there would be nothing to worry about. How boring would that be?? Hang in there, you are 9/10ths of the way to your dream. We'll we watching and waiting ..... to see how your cake turns out.

  2. sorry to be so nosy..but has af made an appearance yet?

    *tapping foot*

  3. Love this analogy. And I think, if you tweak it a little, it also works for those hoping to be moms via surrogacy.

  4. Great Post.....

    I found your site on stumbleupon and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!

    Thanks for sharing....
