Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day-dreaming in Donorville

Do you find it ironic that I have a carton of expired eggs in my fridge? I do. Yesterday around dinner time, I found Chris with his head in the fridge mumbling “what to eat…what…to...eat…” Since there was nothing that came encased in cellophane and with a twist tie, in a box or a can, in a “baked goods” container, a jar, or from Kraft, I knew there would be nothing of interest. He concluded, “nuthin’ to eat but old eggs.”

Would you eat an expired egg? I wouldn’t. In fact, I think I might head to Loblaws after work and disassemble the egg section until I find the best possible “best before” date. I shall then come home and carefully place the eggs into my fridge. I’m not even sure I’ll eat them – but will find peace in knowing they are there and “fresh” and available for use.

Are you smellin' what I'm frying?

I find myself dreaming of becoming pregnant - and soon…and this dream has everything to do with using someone else’s eggs. I can’t help but become excited, just thinking about flipping through pictures in a Donor Book, not unlike flipping through the pages of a magazine and finding the right “pair of genes”. Maybe my uncanny ability to find the best (and usually most expensive) item du jour has prepared me for this final shopping task.

I’m tired of not having a family to call my own and I don’t have much faith in my own ability to conceive… I’m not 100% there yet, but I’m pretty damn close. I think we need to stop day-dreaming, and start living in reality…don’t you?


  1. I love this post. Your excitement is contagious, I already feel you are on the home stretch. Being realistic is a sensible approach and you need to find some positive action that will end in success. I think you are finally in the zone and will be able to make a good decision. Yup, definitely excited for you. And after all, the clock is ticking, so let's get on with it.

  2. I have always been a big advocate of "Only you and DH know what is best for you, and you should do whatever feels right!", and without a care in the world as to what other people think! So if 'buying some new eggs' is what you want to do, DO IT! I'm excited for you... :)
