Saturday, October 31, 2009

CD1 of IVF # 6...

Seriously 6? Soon I'll be in double digits.

Today's the start of the most promising cycle to date...other than San Francisco which I thought would be a sure thing. Maybe just this once things will go smoothly. Maybe I'll have an explosion of follicles - like 12 - that would be an explosion of epic proportions in my world.

Lets face it - numbers is where its at this round. I need LOTS to put back...not just one (which I hate to say is more likely than anything) - but 4 or 5 or 6... So come on ovaries don't fail me this time! MAKE. ME. PROUD.


  1. As you know, I'm not great with words. But you know I am cheering you on across the pond and hope hope hoping that everything goes brilliantly this cycle and that there are lots of great embies to transfer.

  2. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe this is #6! My hat's off to you, Sister! I hope this is it for you!

  3. Cheering you right on sister !!!! I cannot wait to eat sushi and drink wine while you pat your belly and eat pasta !!!! Want this so much for you.
