I used to think people who got pregnant right away were so lucky!
And then I thought, wow, people who got pregnant within a year are so lucky!
And then I thought DEFINITELY women who got pregnant on their first IVF attempt are so lucky!
And then I thought if you can get pregnant within 3 IVF's then you are definitely lucky!
Then I thought people who adopt are so lucky!
Now I think if I ever get a baby through adoption I will be so lucky! HA!
So if you take are walking around like a zombie because your kids kept you up all night, or you have throwup on your best sweater, or you need to make 8 dozen cookies for the bakesale tomorrow, or you have a household full of phlegmmy kids...you know what I say?
13 hours ago
1 comment:
So you know i sat down and read them from start to finish. It is pretty powerful stuff Lis. I laughed, I cried.... But most of all I feel admiration for how you and Chris have handled all these #*&$* obstacles. You always have been a straight shooter but to be so honest about an extremely personal and emotional struggle - well hat's off to you. I don't think I could do it. While I knew most of your trials and tribulations - reading about them brought them more to life for me - i know that is sort of backwards but there you are.
OK so, I may (occasionally) fall into the complaining category a la your most current post - but I never forget how fortunate we are.
And to you I say dare to dream my friend.
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